Thomas Cromwell appears under a different light and he comes to life and guides us through this complicated world of Tudor England. I have decided to read some biographies of the most prominent characters of this time, I obviously want to read a biography of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, but also of Thomas More, Thomas Wolsey, Catherine of Aragon, Jane Seymour and of course, Thomas Cromwell. I also want to know a little more about The Princes in the Tower and the War of the Roses.
I will write my complete review of Wolf Hall once I have finished the book, but I wanted to let you know how excited I am about it.
Me sorprendí cuando la copia de Wolf Hall que pedí de Amazon llegó en solo diez días. Fue genial porque normalmente toma casi un mes en llegar hasta aquí. Ya casi he terminado de leerlo y no puedo esperar para comenzar con Bring Up the Bodies. Me encanta Hilary Mantel. Siempre me ha interesado la historia inglesa, especialmente este periodo, pero ahora estoy obsesionada.
Thomas Cromwell aparece desde una perspectiva distinta y cobra vida y nos guía a través de este complicado mundo que es Inglaterra de los Tudor. He decidido que voy a leer algunas biografías sobre los personajes más importantes de esta época; obviamente quiero leer una biografía sobre Enrique VIII y Ana Bolena, pero también sobre Tomas Moro, Thomas Wolsey, Catalina de Aragón, Jane Seymour y por supuesto, de Thomas Cromwell. También quiero saber un poco más sobre los Príncipes en la Torre y la Guerra de las Rosas.
Escribiré mi reseña completa una vez que termine de leer el libro, pero quería compartir con ustedes mi entusiasmo.
I don't know how I could live with your postal delivery times!
Wolf Hall sounds great. I've never read any of the author's books, but I'm sure the plot would really interest me. I'm pretty certain there's a copy of the book at the bookshop I work at... maybe I'll have a look for it at some point!
I'm definitely looking forward to your full review of the book.
Also I'm glad you've mentioned about reading biographies etc. too... this corresponds nicely to a post I'm due to write soon! :)
Thank you for your comment Lucy! I'm kind of used to shitty postal times so a week is glorious for me, haha. A friend once sent me a book from Mexico and it took THREE MONTHS to get here, I don't know why.
I'm totally Tudor obsessed right now and I really recommend Wolf Hall if you like historical fiction, or history in general. It is definitely not something for someone who doesn't enjoy history.
I plan to write my review this weekend and obsess a little more about Anne Boleyn, haha.
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