Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I finally started

Hello everybody! I just wanted to let you know that things are going to change a little here. I have finally started focusing seriously on writing my first novel (in Spanish, of course). I'll keep posting from time to time about the last books I've read and the ones I liked the most, and I will definitely continue reading Shakespeare and posting about it, but that will be a little less frequent (not that it was frequent anyway). I'll probably start writing more about the writing itself, as means to solve my own questions and doubts as I move forward with the book. I'm going to use this blog as a tool to keep me going and maybe receive some answers to my frustrations, which I will certainly have because, come on, it's part of the package.

The whole point of this blog (when I started it) was to make myself write, to be able to conquer the blank page, and I think I have finally managed to do that. I realized I needed a method, an outline, something to organize my brain and make it work. At first I thought the problem was that I had no ideas, and then suddenly I realized I had plenty of ideas (even way too many, I had trouble deciding on one and that still might change as I outline my novel), the problem was I had no idea how to start or develop it. I think I have finally managed that and I have to take advantage of the momentum and the inspiration. 

So this is a new phase for me and for the blog. I'll keep writing reviews because I love to do that, but I'll probably write more about my everyday struggles, questions and progress with the craft and art of writing a novel.

Wish me luck!


Luz said...

¡Qué buena noticia! Te felicito, es un gran paso. Espero con ansias a ver las primeras actualizaciones de esta nueva aventura.


Lucy said...

Amazing news! I can't wait to hear how you get on :) Keep us all updated but don't be afraid to take time off from blogging to work on your project! Good luck xx

Melissa Vizcarra said...

Gracias Luz! :) Los mantendré al tanto.

Melissa Vizcarra said...

Thank you Lucy! I will probably take some time off from blogging reviews but I bet I will post just to rant when I get stuck haha. I hope you're doing well in Barcelona! Have you already been to Parc Guell? It was probably my favorite spot in Barcelona, though I got terribly lost my first time there.

David Bates said...

Good luck on the novel! As always, looking forward to updates on your journey through Shakespeare!

Melissa Vizcarra said...

Thank you so much, David! :)